Introducing The Office Refurbishment Checklist

Introducing The Office Refurbishment Checklist

We are very pleased to introduce to you the office refurbishment checklist. If you, your company or your bosses are thinking of a potential office renovation or refurbishment, this checklist will help you to research and plan your project quickly and effectively. Read on to see how the checklist will benefit you and to access the free download.

This Office Refurbishment Checklist promises to:

  • Save You Time

  • Help You Educate Your Colleagues & Achieve Sign Off

  • Give You Clear and Printable Task Lists

  • Result In Less Work For You 

And it does all of this for free. You can jump straight to the bottom of this post to open your free checklist. Or if you want to firstly read how the checklist will help you, read these short explanations…


 Saving You Time

The free checklist covers all the major phases of an office refurbishment and offers advice and ideas of timescales. This allows you to put together a viability report and be fully prepared to brief your colleagues on what the renovation will entail.


 Educating Your Colleagues

Due to the easy-to-follow format and thorough breakdown of an office refurbishment, the checklist allows you to easily and quickly brief your colleagues on your company’s refurbishment project in terms of time, what is involved and what to expect. This should make the process go ahead smoothly and will a fully on-board team.


 Showing Printable, Assignable Tasks

The sheet can be printed and used to assign tasks to individuals, and used to monitor progress of each item.  This will ensure you don’t miss a thing and can each colleague can concentrate on their own assigned items and not worry that anything has been missed.


 Meaning Less Planning For You

As the checklist covers everything you need to think about, you will need to spend less time preparing and researching what you need to consider and can instead get on with the project itself. The sheet is yours to download for free by pressing the yellow download now button below.

Or If You Want Some Further Reading…

We have also blogged about what’s involved in an office refurbishment, reviewed major studies which have found more offices than ever need a refurbishment and we’ve also looked at how this checklist can help you. Here’s some more reading before or after you download your office refurbishment checklist:

What Office Refurbishment Costs Do You Need To Prepare For?

How To Manage Your Brand In An Office Refurbishment In 3 Easy Steps

What Workers Want 2016 Survey Raises Some Concerns

More Proof That Office Design Is Important For Morale And Happiness

Tips On Managing Timings With An Office Refurbishment Project Plan

How To Maintain Safety During Your Office Refurbishment

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