You Need To Consider This Before Buying School Display Boards

You Need To Consider This Before Buying School Display Boards

Display boards are a great way to allow easy changing of wall displays inside the classroom and around the school building or college. Just make sure you think about these five things before buying your school display boards.

  1. Purpose
  2. Location
  3. Appearance & Style
  4. Lifespan
  5. Cost

If you’re interested in buying noticeboards for your own classroom or a bulk order for the whole building, check out the range on our sister site here.

Alternatively, you might be interested in finding out more about what a refurb – big or small – could do to improve the performance of your school or college. Download our guide. If not, keep reading for further explanation about what you need to consider when it comes to noticeboards.

1. Purpose

First, you need to decide what the purpose of the display board will be. This will affect not only which style of noticeboard you choose but also the other four considerations in this list.

Will it be used to showcase student work and educational displays inside the classroom? Or will it be used for informational purposes?


2. Location

Also, where will it be going? Will it be in reception and only have minimal traffic passing by, most of which are visitors? Or will it be on a corridor wall where students and their cumbersome bags queue to enter a classroom?

These questions will help decide what type and style you need.

3. Appearance & Style

How important is it that the noticeboard matches a wider theme around it? A vibrant and colourful primary school classroom could probably benefit from a Colourplus noticeboard. These noticeboards come in loud, vivid colours to add life and spark interest.

You also need to consider whether your noticeboard should have a protective frame. This serves two roles. It helps to frame the content on the noticeboard and keep it isolated from other displays in the viewer’s eye. This is particularly useful for classrooms or corridors with more than one display in operation at once.

Finally, you should consider whether the items on display need to be protected from passing foot traffic causing accidental damage, or needs to be protected from malicious vandalism.


4. Lifespan

Another consideration is for how long you expect the noticeboard to last. Like anything else, noticeboards will be produced and built to different specifications.

If you are going to be moving, adjusting and transporting the noticeboard to various open events and consultation evenings, a more robust option should be chosen.

If it is to be fixed to a wall permanently and displays on the board will be changed each year or term, then it may be possible to choose a budget option.

5. Cost

And last, but not least, you should consider the cost. All of the other considerations could be a non-issue if your options are limited due to budget constraints.

Consider A Wider School Refurb Guide

Furniture is just one way of improving the productivity and learning in your building. You might want to drive savings and free up capital for teaching budgets by improving the fabric of the building to make it more efficient.

Or you could have a building which you have outgrown, so are considering an extension or moving. Don’t. Instead, make sure you check out the benefits of a refurb or redecoration instead.

See what your building needs by using the info and question sheets in this free guide. Open your copy now and see if you need a school refurbishment.

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