What Type Of Worker Are You?

What Type Of Worker Are You?

If you have worked or currently work in an office you will know that not one person is the same. Each employee has a different personality and preferences within the office, especially when it comes to temperature, noise, workspace setup and other aspects within the workspace. Therefore, as a manager, getting everything to suit everyone is virtually impossible.

However, we have a solution, which consists of getting to know your employees’ personalities as this understanding will then determine what you may need to change to create a more happier and productive workforce. What type of worker are you? Find out in our personality roundup.

The Go-Getter

The Go-Getter isn’t happy doing simple and easy jobs; they are always ready for a challenge. People with this type of personality are eager to volunteer to work on new projects and will always ensure they get their work done before the deadline. A trait of theirs which is in the name is that they are always on the go. That includes walking around the office instead of staying seated in one place; these colleagues love to hot desk and have the freedom to talk to different people to help achieve their goals.

To increase productivity within the workplace finding out what people find a problem within the workplace is necessary. For the Go-getter having too many distractions within the workplace can cause an issue as they like to be able to get on with completing tasks quickly and efficiently.

A distraction for go-getters could be not having enough space to work and the overall design of the office.

The Creative

The Creative as you can tell by the title, likes to think of new creative ideas for current projects and to ways to help improve the company as a whole. The creative likes to have extra room away from the hustle and bustle of the main office space to think through ideas.

The creative especially likes being able to work in a break out room as it minimises distractions such as noise from other colleagues, and as break out rooms are comfortable and away from the main office space they make for a great escape to think through plenty of ideas.

Being surrounded by too much noise and a busy work environment is a big distraction for creative employees. Having a break out area is the solution to the creative’s problems.

The Haywire

The Haywire is always stressed out, however, that’s the way they work. Haywire’s generally thrive off feeling under pressure as they believe it inspires their best work. Having a tight deadline means a haywire can thrive as they have to put all their concentration into finishing their work in time.

When it comes to the haywire, general chit chat amongst colleagues and noise within the office can pose as a significant distraction, as well as an unorganised office as it makes finding important documents difficult.

The Slacker

We all know what a slacker is, therefore, we all know that the slacker is just along for the ride and just wants their time at work to be easy. The slacker is able to produce good work once they put their mind to it; however, they need to be motivated by others on a regular basis as they can easily be distracted by the smallest of things.

Their biggest and main problem at work is motivation, therefore, having a less bland and boring workspace could help the slackers motivation as it may inspire them to want to work harder. Also, mix them with other employees who will support them could give the slacker the boost they need.

The A Team

The A Team, similar to the go-getter, is up for a challenge as they love to learn and to be involved with high priority tasks, usually more than one at a time. You will usually see and A team employee surrounded by electronic devices such as laptops, tablets, and phones in order to help them with their jobs.

As they usually work with many devices, the challenges they face normally consists of having a very cluttered workspace as their small desks are filled with devices and resources to help fulfill tasks. They again like the go-getter need the freedom to work around the office not only in one place.

The Do Not Disturb

The Do Not Disturb employee is exactly what is says on the tin. They do not like to be disturbed. This type of worker likes to get their heads down and crack on with their work with as few distractions as possible. These workers, even though don’t like to be disturbed, are generally still friendly and can be approached (with caution).

Having an open office is a nightmare for the do not disturb type of worker as there are so many noises and distractions, including chatting employees, the radio and the phones ringing. They may use headphones to block out the background noise and is also a way of letting employees know they are busy and do not want to be disturbed.

The Chatterbox

The chatterbox is very self explanatory: they like to talk; sometimes they even like to talk all day. However, this chatty employee isn’t a bad thing, it’s just their way of understanding things and chatting helps them get tasks done. The chatterbox works well in teams and gets the most out of team meetings and brainstorming with other colleagues.

The chatterbox will find it hard to concentrate in a quiet office as they need to be able to talk to perform well. They benefit from listening and talking to others so not having a space to go and brainstorm with a team can also negatively impact a chatterbox.

The Office Mascot

The office mascot loves the office and supports people with the office and overall keeps morale up. These people make the lives of managers and HR easier as they are already a great support system for employees within the workplace. The office mascot loves work and generally spends a lot of time there.

There aren’t many things that will cause a problem for the office mascot as they love work and the people there; however, they may feel limited if they don’t have the freedom to talk to colleagues and if their workplace design doesn’t cater to their love of working with other people.

By determining individual workers, you will then understand what you have to do as a manager to get the full potential out of your employees. This potential can be unlocked  by making a few tweaks to the office space which will benefit your workers and allow them to work in an environment that they feel comfortable and happy about.

If you would like to find out more about different personalities and ways to keep morale up then download our free, easy to read eBook.

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